Weekly Summary

The Weekly Summary feature provides a personalised financial overview for your customers, delivering insights from the past week and forecasts for the upcoming week. This guide will help you integrate, generate, and present Weekly Summaries within your customer-facing applications.

How it works

User Experience

  • User-initiated slideshow start by clicking on the right side of the screen or hitting the right arrow key
    Auto advancing slides, defaulting to 10 seconds per slide
    • Interval can be customised by adding an interval={number_in_milliseconds} search parameter to the summary URL
    • E.g. https://widgets.thisisbud.com/summary/{summary_id}/?token={summary_token}&interval={number_in_milliseconds}
  • Slides can be paused by holding the mouse pointer down on the slide or holding touch down on a touch device
  • Summary can be replayed when reaching the success dialog at the end of the summary
  • Feedback can be provided, both positive and negative, for each insight as well as the overall summary
  • Providing negative feedback will pause the summary and ask a single choice reason for improvement and iteration of each insight
  • A minimum of five insights must be triggered for a weekly summary to be generated. There is no maximum number of slide that will be shown to a user.


The Weekly Summary feature is designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that all users, including those relying on assistive technologies, can navigate and interact with it effectively.

Key Accessibility Features

  • Keyboard Navigation: All features available in the non-assistive experience are fully accessible via keyboard navigation.
  • Slideshow Controls:
    • The slideshow requires user action (e.g., pressing the right arrow key or activating the hidden 'start slideshow' control) to begin.
    • Users can disable auto-advancing before starting the summary, allowing individuals using assistive technologies to navigate at their own pace.
    • Navigation through the summary is supported via left and right arrow keys to move backward or forward, respectively.
    • Auto-advancing can be disabled before the summary begins to allow users of assistive tech to navigate in their own time
  • Hidden, Keyboard-Navigable Controls
    The following controls are visually hidden but accessible for keyboard navigation:
    • Start the summary
    • Pause or resume the summary
    • Enable or disable auto-advance
    • Restart the summary
  • Features available in the non-assistive experience are also available via keyboard navigation
  • Feedback can be provided by tabbing through the page controls

Insights available

Insight TypeInsight Card
budget_not_metWatch out, you spent {amount} over your {budgetName} budget
budget_spendingYou spent {amount} on your {budgetName} budget
category_group_spending_amount_changedYou spent {amount} on {categoryGroupName}
category_spending_amount_changedYou spent {amount} on {categoryName}
category_totals_most_popularYour top spending category was {categoryName}
credit_card_utilisation_changedIncrease - You spent {amount} across your credit card
Decrease - You paid {amount} towards your credit card!
current_balanceYour balance at the end of the week was {amount}
days_in_overdraftYou spent {duration} in your overdraft
income_paidYou were paid!
income_soon_to_be_paidAlmost there!
merchant_totals_most_popularYou made {count} transactions at {merchantName}
new_budget_createdYou created a new budget
outgoing_transfers_countYou made {count} transfers
regular_payment_changedIncrease - Your regular payment to {merchantName} increased by {changeAmount}
Decrease - Your regular payment to {merchantName} decreased by {changeAmount}
significant_transactionYou spent {amount} at {merchantName}
spending_amount_changedYou spent {amount} in the last {period}
subscriptions_paidYou paid {amount} for the following subscription
total_bnpl_repaymentsYou spent {amount} on Buy Now Pay Later installments
total_loan_repaymentsGreat job, you paid {amount} towards loan repayments
total_overdraft_feesYou were charged {amount} in overdraft fees
upcoming_paymentsIn the next week you have {count} scheduled payments


Cards may vary from these examples

  1. The copy used in summary cards may slightly vary in production from the examples provided above due to ongoing product enhancements.
  2. All Budget cards require clients to be integrated with Spending Budgets

Generating a Weekly Summary

Step 1: Call the Generate Summary URL Endpoint

To create a Weekly Summary for a customer, use the following API endpoint:
Endpoint: /insights/v1/summary-url

  "url": "https://widgets.thisisbud.com/summary/xvhbchIYj_PfGS3-ZUZEbRIn7lUjzGoQ?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.EbeSZomXnLD5iBO2kJrz39tU099Rt1rk8VI759XYPks"
  "summary_type": "weekly"

If no summary is available for the customer, the endpoint will return a 422 response code.

Presenting the Weekly Summary

  1. Use the URL from Step 1 to display the Weekly Summary to the customer
  2. You can test the process by loading the URL in a web browser or mobile device

Important Notes:

  • By default, URLs expire after 60 minutes, if you would like to change this please raise a support ticket. If a URL has expired you can generate a new URL by repeating Step 1
  • Customers can access the generated Weekly Summary until the next insight-generation process runs or the URL has expired
  • If no insights are generated for the next period, no summary will be available for that week
  • It's recommended to iframe the Weekly Summary if you are embedding this within an existing application


The webhook notifies your system when a Weekly Summary is available for a customer.

Webhook Payload Example:

  "customer_id": "a556eb9f-fba1-478d-b44f-6b7652b97887",
  "created_at": "2024-11-15T03:21:45.000000Z",
  "summary_details": {
    "granularity": "weekly",
    "start": "2024-11-03T03:00:00.000000Z",
    "end": "2024-11-10T03:23:59.000000Z",
    "summary_id": "a556eb9f-fba1-478d-b44f-6b7652b97887"

You can configure this webhook by logging into the Bud developer console, for more information on webhooks please refer to our webhooks guide

Third-Party Cookies

Bud’s frontend features rely on cookies to enhance user experience by tracking data, managing timeouts, and handling theming.

By default, these features are hosted at widgets.thisisbud.com, meaning integrations on client websites or applications (e.g., app.bankly.com) store and access cookies as 'third-party'.

Impact of Third-Party Cookie Deprecation

While third-party cookies are currently the most widely supported method for client-side data storage, they are gradually being phased out by modern browsers. Using Bud features in browsers that block third-party cookies could result in degraded or non-functional user experiences.

To mitigate this, we recommend setting up a custom subdomain on your website to host Bud’s frontend features. This approach ensures cookies are treated as first-party, maintaining seamless functionality.

Setting Up Custom Domain Hosting

Step 1: Log into Your DNS Hosting Provider:
Access the control panel for your DNS settings.

Step 2: Add a CNAME Record:

  • Name/Host: Enter the subdomain you want to use (e.g., widgets.bankly.com).
  • Content/Points To: Set this to app-engage.pages.dev, Bud’s core widget hosting domain.

Step 3: Provide Your Custom Domain to Bud: Share the full URL of your custom subdomain (e.g., widgets.bankly.com) with your Bud point of contact, who will link it to Bud’s widget application.