Open Banking Connect Completed


This webhook triggers when a connection with a provider is completed. This includes successful consent authorisation and completion of a data fetch.

Event Message

The table below describes the structure of the event.

task_idThe task identifier that this event relates to
task_typeThe Open Banking task this event relates toconnect
statusThe overall status of this taskCompleted, Failed
resultThe specific result of this tasksuccess or one of Connect API errors
customer_idThe customer this event relates to
consent_idThe consent identifier the event relates to


  "data": {
    "task_id": "030c78b0-617c-4649-9319-e07569362a14",
    "task_type": "connect",
    "customer_id": "82a90a04-4bdf-446a-932e-fb559ea99c29",
    "status": "Completed",
    "result": "success",
    "consent_id": "f43c4fc9-26f6-4107-a631-4f323f06e5c9"
  "data": {
    "task_id": "030cf139-1d28-45f5-9721-7e8bdd55f005",
    "task_type": "connect",
    "customer_id": "82a90a04-4bdf-446a-932e-fb559ea99c29",
    "status": "Failed",
    "result": "auth_denied"

How and when this event is triggered


Behaviour depend on the configuration of the original gateway URL. For example, connect_more_accounts_button
For this webhook to trigger, the process needs to read this point in the process. However it doesn't guarantee it being triggered. For example, if a user closes the tab/app during provider authorisation.

Connecting User Through BUD Connect

The diagram below describes the connect flow through Bud Connect and when in the flow this webhook is triggered.

Connect Users Through Buds APIs

The diagram below describes the connect flow using APIs only and when in the flow this webhook is triggered.