Version 2.11.4: 24/07/2024

  • Remove body requirement from Reconfirm Consent

Version 2.11.3: 01/07/2024

  • Added link to Consents guide from Retrieve Customer Consents

Version 2.11.2: 21/06/2024

  • Added website field to merchant field in enrichments field in Retrieve Transactions V2.
  • Added website field to processor field in enrichments field in Retrieve Transactions V2.

Version 2.11.1: 19/06/2024

  • Added a new Correct Financial Data section within FINANCIAL DATA API.
  • Relocated Correct Transaction Categories V2 endpoint to Correct Financial Data from Manage Financial Data.
  • Added new Similar Transactions endpoint under Correct Financial Data.
  • Added new Similar Transactions Including Merchants endpoint under Correct Financial Data.

Version 2.11.0: 17/05/2024

  • Added Initiate Refresh V2 endpoint.
  • Added Retrieve Refresh Status V2 endpoint.
  • Deprecated Initiate Refresh endpoint in favour of Initiate Refresh V2 endpoint (Six month deprecation period).
  • Deprecated Retrieve Refresh Status endpoint in favour of Retrieve Refresh Status V2 endpoint (Six month deprecation period).

Version 2.10.10: 17/05/2024

  • Add optional X-Customer-Ip-Address header to Initiate Refresh.

Version 2.10.9: 05/03/2024

  • Added insight type as a string on Balances, Income and Spending insights endpoints.
  • Added link to Actionable Insights guide as a note on Balances, Income and Spending insights endpoints.

Version 2.10.8: 08/02/2024

  • Fixed path for Custom Insights endpoints.

Version 2.10.7: 02/02/2024

  • Added new fields for Retrieve Balances Over Time and Retrieve Balances Over Time By Account endpoint.

Version 2.10.3: 25/01/2024

  • Deprecated Retrieve Ingestion Task Status V2 endpoint in favour of Retrieve Ingestion Task Status V3 endpoint.