Assess dashboard
The Assess dashboard is Bud's plug-and-play tool designed to offer up exactly the right information needed to streamline manual reviews and make your staff's job easier to do well.
By utilising Bud's best-in-class data enrichment, Assess is able to pull out key affordability insights like Income Stability, Gambling Spend, and Loan Repayments, as well as identifying a customer's Net Discretionary Income and Affordability, to allow for fast and accurate manual review.
Getting access
Getting access to the Assess dashboard is incredibly straightforward. Once commercial and legal agreements are in place, we will need the following information to set up your instance of the Assess dashboard:
- you company logo
- primary and secondary colours and logo for the Connect flow (as per here);
- your configuration preferences for Assess
- details of any users you'd like us to set up accounts for.
We will then provide you with your unique URL to access the Assess dashboard, and you'll be good to go. Many clients use Assess off-the-shelf to start benefiting from what Bud offers from Day 1, while work on API integrations begins in parallel.
Using the dashboard
There are three main tasks and one optional that you need to complete to process an application using the dashboard. Here are the appropriate guides
- Initiating applications - read here;
- Managing applications - read here;
- Reviewing applications - read here;
- [optional] Exporting application data - read here.
If you have any questions, please contact us via the chatbot (bottom-right of screen 👉) or via a support request or check our FAQs.
Updated 9 months ago