Sandbox call limits

The Bud sandbox environment, where we offer free access for you to trial and implement our powerful intelligence, connect, and affordability tech, has limits in place that restrict the number of calls you can make.

These limits are outlined below and if you feel might be too restrictive for you to fully trial and integrate please contact our support team to enquire about having them raised to the higher tier.

To reiterate the important callouts regarding the sandbox environment. It does not:

  • facilitate the use of real production data; nor
  • provide a means for Bud clients to run heavy automated functional or load (stress) tests against; nor
  • have any service level agreements associated with it.

Limits (default)

Endpoint(s)Call totalFrequency
All300every 24hrs
POST v3/customers (here)10every 24hrs
GET v1/regular-transactions (here)20every 24hrs
POST v1/ingest/transactions (here)20every 24hrs
POST v2/ingest/transactions (here)20every 24hrs
GET v1/open-banking/transactions (here)20every 24hrs
GET financial/v2/transactions (here)20every 24hrs

Hitting the limits

If you hit one of these, your request will result in 429 response and, as detailed above, that endpoint will be unavailable until for 24hrs.

Higher tier of limit

Bud offers a less restrictive set of limits that is reserved for teams actively integrating with and implementing Bud products. If you feel you are at this stage and need to be moved up to the higher tier, please reach out to our support team with your request. When requesting, please send us the email you are logging into the Bud Console with.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the chatbot (bottom-right of screen 👉) or via a support request or check our FAQs.