Remove Savings Goal Action

The DELETE goals/v1/savings/{goal_id}/actions/{goal_action_id} endpoint removes a given action. The response from this endpoint will be 204 if the deletion is successful.

curl --request DELETE \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Client-Id: ecfa9b53-963b-4f8a-9811-e09a79ff7019' \
     --header 'X-Customer-Id: 2a7a1f1c-18b9-4af1-8424-91c5848e8037' \
     --header 'X-Customer-Secret: 2efbed02ac697a80354e0a792bbe733aed904820d030321a0b50b51c1dd05bd3' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer dddd'

In the case that the customer has no action with a goal_id and goal_action_id that matches the goal_id and goal_action_id provided, a 404 is returned.

If you receive a 400 response, please check the headers you're sending in the request before trying again.

If you receive a 401 response from either of the endpoints this would indicate that you are not authorised to make this request, if you believe this to be a mistake or are receiving persistent 500 responses please raise a support request.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the chatbot (bottom-right of screen 👉) or via a support request or check our FAQs.