Bank of Bud - Our sandbox provider

To allow you to explore and test Bud's suite of products and see how Connect fits in, we offer a sandbox provider called Bank of Bud. It's available to all of our clients in our sandbox environment.

With Bank of Bud, you can choose from a predefined set of personas offering a range of realistic accounts and transaction sets. These reflect the scenarios you might encounter across your customer base.


Any extra personas you want to see in Bank of Bud?

Get in touch! We'd love to hear what would be most useful for you in your testing.

How to use Bank of Bud

👉 Note: Make sure you are using Bud's sandbox environment. This is the only environment where Bank of Bud is available.

Testing via the Connect API

  1. Create a new customer record in sandbox
  2. Begin a new Connect journey for that customer. The exact instructions to follow depend on whether you're using Bud's licence or your own licence as an AISP.
  3. Continue to the "Select a bank to connect" screen
  4. Select Bank of Bud. It will appear as the first option in the list of default providers
  5. Agree to the permissions on the consent screen
  6. Choose a persona and complete the Connect journey
  7. Use Bud's APIs to explore the persona and see what insights and enrichments have been generated. Some example APIs are suggested below depending on which attributes the persona includes.


Is Bank of Bud missing?

If you're using Connect under your own licence, there's a small chance you may not see Bank of Bud as an option in the list of providers.

Please get in touch if this applies to you, as some initial setup may be needed.

Testing via the Assess API

  1. Create a new customer application in sandbox
  2. Retrieve a customer application URL
  3. Open the URL
  4. Continue to the "Select a bank to connect" screen
  5. Select Bank of Bud. It will appear as the first option in the list of default providers
  6. Agree to the permissions on the consent screen
  7. Choose a persona and submit the application
  8. Use Bud's Assess APIs and other APIs to explore the persona. Some example APIs are suggested below depending on which attributes the persona includes. For some APIs, you'll need to use the customer ID linked to the application, which would have been returned when you created the application.

 Testing via the Assess Dashboard

  1. Log in to the dashboard in sandbox and create an application
  2. Open the connection link for the application
  3. Continue to the "Select a bank to connect" screen
  4. Select Bank of Bud. It will appear as the first option in the list of default providers
  5. Agree to the permissions on the consent screen
  6. Choose a persona and submit the application
  7. Review the application in the dashboard

Examples where Bank of Bud is helpful

Bank of Bud is compatible with all of our APIs and products, including the Assess Dashboard, the Assess API and our Engage suite of services.

It can be used to:

  • explore Bud's collection of Finders and Insights
  • see how a customer with a given set of characteristics would appear in the Assess Dashboard
  • test your Custom Insights against a range of realistic accounts and transactions
  • verify how failure scenarios during the Connect flow will be handled, such as when a customer is unable to authenticate with their bank


Each of the personas is useful for testing a different aspect of Bud's product suite. Here are a few of our recommendations:

  • Assess Dashboard and Assess API — "Bad Affordability" will trigger most of the affordability risk flags
  • Smart Finders and Actionable Insights — Use the tables below to find a relevant attribute for the finder or insight you'd like to test, and choose the persona with that attributes
  • Misc. — the Error persona for your development and QA

More on Personas and Attributes

A persona is what we call each of the available options when connecting to the Bank of Bud provider.

Personas have different attributes. These correspond to characteristics of the accounts and transactions configured for that persona. The attributes are listed directly underneath the persona in the UI.


This section contains all of the attributes available in Bank of Bud and a summary of how they would affect a given persona. The most relevant API endpoints to use for each attribute are indicated in the final column, typically one of Bud's insights or finders.

Account Attributes

multiple_accountsMore than one account is connected, with different account types (e.g. current_account and savings)Retrieve Accounts
zero_balanceThe account has a balance of £0Retrieve Accounts

Smart Finders

benefit_paymentsThere are transactions on the account recognised as state benefits (e.g. Jobseeker's Allowance)Benefits Finder
Retrieve Benefits Transactions
debt_collection_transactionsThere are transactions on the account recognised as debt collection payments, for example payments to BPO CollectionsLoan & Debt Finders
Retrieve Debt Collection Transactions
financial_productsTransactions on the account indicate that the persona has one or more financial products or services (e.g. loans, insurance policies)Product Finder
Retrieve Financial Products
irregular_incomeIncome is received into the account on an irregular basis, indicating the persona possibly doesn't have a steady source of incomeIncome Finder
Retrieve Income Transactions
loan_transactionsA loan can be identified on the accountLoan & Debt Finders
Retrieve Loan Transactions
new_subscription_expenseA new subscription occurs partway through the transaction history of the accountSubscription Finder
Retrieve Subscriptions
regular_incomeIncome is received into the account on a regular basis from the same source, e.g. a monthly salaryIncome Finder
Retrieve Income Transactions
regular_transactionsMoney is paid out of the account on a regular basis, e.g. once a month, to the same merchant or other payeeRegular Payments Finder
Retrieve Regular Transactions
subscriptionsSubscription payments occur in the account on a regular basis, e.g. for streaming servicesSubscription Finder
Retrieve Subscriptions
upcoming_transactionsFuture transactions are forecast in the persona's account, based on regular payments that have been detectedRegular Payments Finder
Retrieve Forecasted Transactions

Actionable Insights

See the Actionable Insights guide for more information.

Some of these attributes will also trigger a relevant customer characteristic, for example in_overdraft. See the Customer Characteristics guide for more information.

cannot_cover_billsThe persona is likely to have a negative account balance at the end of the month after paying their bills, taking into account predicted future transactions and the current account balanceActionable Insights
Retrieve Balances Actionable Insights
close_to_credit_limitThe customer's credit utilisation exceeds the given threshold for a single accountActionable Insights
Retrieve Balances Actionable Insights
gambling_incomeIncludes credit transactions from a known gambling companyActionable Insights
Retrieve Income Actionable Insights
in_overdraftOne or more of the persona's accounts has a negative balanceActionable Insights
Retrieve Balances Actionable Insights
Retrieve Customer Characteristics - Overdraft
late_incomeA regular source of income has not been received on the predicted dateActionable Insights
Retrieve Income Actionable Insights
late_paymentThe transaction history contains a forecasted payment that we would predict through regular transactions but that hasn't been completedActionable Insights
Retrieve Spending Actionable Insights
low_balanceThe persona's account balance is below a set low threshold for a period of time (e.g. £50)Actionable Insights
Retrieve Balances Actionable Insights
new_insurance_expenseA new insurance expense occurs partway through the transaction history of the accountActionable Insights
Retrieve Spending Actionable Insight Details
pension_incomeThe transaction history includes credit transactions that are categorised as pension_incomeActionable Insights
Retrieve Income Actionable Insights
regular_income_changedThe persona's income has increased or decreased above a certain threshold compared to the previous month.Actionable Insights
Retrieve Income Actionable Insights
regular_payment_changedThe transaction history includes regular payments that have increased or decreased in value compared to the previous month's valueActionable Insights
Retrieve Spending Actionable Insights
suspected_duplicate_chargeThe transaction history includes one or more debit transactions with the same description, amount and on the same dayActionable Insights
Retrieve Spending Actionable Insights

Affordability Insights

These attributes will trigger affordability risk flags and other insights relevant to Assess.

Many of the insights in the "Actionable Insights" section above are also relevant for testing the Assess Dashboard and Assess API.

gambling_thresholdThe persona's monthly gambling spend is above a given proportion of their income (e.g. 30%)Intro to Assess
regular_monthly_income_changeThe persona's regular income has substantially changed (i.e. has high variability) at some point in the transaction historyIntro to Assess

The Error Persona

Additionally, a persona is available that you can use to simulate all possible Open Banking connection errors, as described in the Connect API errors guide. This persona is intended so that you can easily replicate and debug issues reported by your customers, as well as ensure your application is robust to failure scenarios.