The customer_secret attribute is now a required attribute on the POST Ingest Accounts endpoint.
Updated the List Transaction Response schema to detail those fields that are required and/or nullable.
Created a new Create Transaction Rule(s) endpoint that allows client to set a value of the client_label attribute against a set of customer transactions which adhere to the rules specified in the request payload.
Updated API Overview table in the introduction to include latest product set.
Addition of some optional fields to the POST Retrieve Authorisation Gateway URL endpoint. The additional fields allow clients to specify: (i) a single provider, effectively skipping the select provider screen in the customer UI; (ii) a list of providers, allowing clients to configure the list of providers shown to the customer on the select provider screen; and (iii) filter the provider list shown to the customer by the type of provider (e.g. business or personal). In addition, a connect_more_accounts_button flag can be configured to show the customer a button at the end of the connection flow that will allow them to connect to another provider without having to return to the client application.
Updated the examples within Bud's KYC endpoints to make them more usable against Bud's sandbox environment.
Addition of a new GET /v1/open-banking/account-access-consents endpoint to allow clients to query the active consents against a given customer (in relation to Bud's OB Aggregation service).
Addition of a new "Regular Payment Changed" Insight to the Warnings Endpoint (that forms part of Bud's Signal Product).
Bugfix: addition of the required mobile_phone_number field to the request payload of the Switch Supplier endpoint within the Energy Switching API to align to the implementation of the API itself.
Bugix: the format of the annual_spend.amount field within the request payload of the kWh Estimation endpoint now states that is should be a number (as opposed to a string) to align to the API itself.
Fixed bug in the List Accounts endpoint for Bud's OB Aggregation service - the response data object now details all the returned fields as expected.
Removed the deprecated List Account Balances endpoint from the documentation entirely.
Added a new Ingest Accounts endpoint within the Enrichment API that allows clients to provide more detailed information regarding a customer's account.
Addition of a Know Your Customers (KYC) API allowing clients to perform KYC checks on businesses or their customers.
[BREAKING] The X-Customer-Secret is now a required field within the headers of the /v1/open-banking/authorisation-gateway-url endpoint. Please note that this change will only come into effect in three months time on the 1st of May 2021. All clients with exisitng integrations will be contacted via email by their relevant account manager to inform them of this change. This should provide clients with enough time adjust their integration before the change coming into force. Please contact [email protected] or your account manager if you have any questions, issues or concerns relating to this update.
Addition of the changelog to the api docs, and further information around updates and versioning.
Documentation Bug Fix: redirect_url field is now shown as required within the POST/v1/open-banking/authorisation-url endpoint. This affects those clients using Bud's TSP Aggregation Service.
Introduction of a new payment service within Bud's Payment API. Clients are now able to initiate Scheduled Payments from Bud's Payments service. The scheduled payments service is available to those clients using Bud as a TPP (i.e. via Bud Pay) and as a TSP.
Bud have now released their First Party Transactions Ingestion endpoint. This allows clients to simply post Bud some of their customer's transactions, which will then be run through each of Bud's enrichment and insights services and then stored securely. This opens up Bud's plethora of Insights services, Signal, and Financial Review to those clients with first-party transactional data.
Few changes to the Payments endpoint responses, including:
the GET providers endpoint, required_actions field now becomes an array (as opposed to an object) and is populated with string enums which are now clearly described in the schema.
the response of the create Single Payment and Standing Order endpoints now includes a required_action field as opposed to required_actions (since there will only ever be one next required action). If this field appears within the response then clients must take another action in order to complete the payment flow.
the payment status endpoint also now includes the required_action field, which if not null, clearly indicates that the client is required to perform the necessary action in order for the payment to complete.
updated the payment service enums within the response of the GET providers endpoint, since each provider can now potentially offer domestic-single-payment, domestic-standing-order and (soon to be) domestic-scheduled-payment services.
Added extra information within the description of various Rent Recognition endpoints. This should provide clients with a much clearer understanding of which endpoints are needed and why in order to integrate the entire RR journey.
Added a new POST /v2/customers endpoint that allows clients to create up to 200 customers in a single request.
[BREAKING] Deprecated Financial Assistant endpoints (warnings / trends / forecast) and introduced these endpoints under a new API called Signal with updated urls and operation_ids.
Altered description of the OB Aggregation TPP Retrieve Authorisation Gateway URL to include for information into its usage.
Introduction of a new set of Payments based endpoints allowing customers to set up and authorise standing orders from one of Bud’s supported providers. This comes in the form of:
a new TPP endpoint, where clients can now request a new Bud Pay URL to allows customers to set up a new standing order; and
a new set of TSP endpoints, allowing clients to integrate Bud APIs to allow their customers to initiate standing orders.