Version 1.6.0: 15/06/2020

  • Financial Assistant service added to the Insights API. This includes three brand new endpoints that help customers to better manage their financial world.
    • Retrieve Warnings: provides a list of potential scenarios where a customer might suffer some financial expense (e.g. in their overdraft, cannot cover bills, late payment and late income)
    • Retrieve Trends: provides the key trends associated with a customer’s transactional data broken down by month
    • Retrieve Forecast - provides a list of the regular and predicted transactions over a given period, noting whether they are booked, pending or predicted.
  • Affordability Service added to the documentation, including a brand new endpoint to help clients to assess their customers affordability. The Create Spending Groups endpoint allows clients to create their own custom group, e.g. Discretionary Spend, where they can select which of Bud’s categories and/or subcategories will make up the group. All transactions for that customer assigned to the categories/subcategories within the group will be bucketed up and the client will be able to see the total income and expenditure in those categories over a given period of time.